Deliver your products faster

We automate the import and export integration between your ERP system and DispatchTrack so you can focus on delivering a great product

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What's the problem?

Every day after order cutoff, your routing team has to patiently wait for orders to enter into DispatchTrack before they can do their job.

Usually, this process involves exporting orders from your ERP system and importing them into DispatchTrack.

The problem is that the time between export and import provides absolutely zero value to your business. It's just tedious plumbing required for your systems to play nice.

If you can eliminate this wasted time, you can create new value elsewhere. Perhaps that's in the form of longer order windows for your customers, or less tedious afternoons for your routing team. The choice is yours.

How do we solve this?

It's possible to automate the integration tedium with DispatchTrack's powerful Import and Export APIs. This is an official offering provided by DispatchTrack, so if you have the technical staff to understand and implement this, we highly recommend you do.

We're here to talk with you if you have the interest, but not the expertise.

We can either:

  • Consult with your existing IT team while they implement the APIs in-house.


  • Create fully customized automated solution that Just Works (TM)

We'll work with you to discover what solutions will work best your team. We've worked with DispatchTrack extensively over the past several years, and consulted with dozens of customers to fine-tune our integration best practices.

What else can the APIs do?

In additon to importing, the DispatchTrack Export API provided powerful alerts to your business and customers

Some of the things we've done in the past are:

  • Return Truck/Stop information back into your ERP system, allowing it to be a single source of truth for your data
  • Create a QuickBooks invoice automatically after an order was delivered
  • Notify the warehouse staff of any exceptions that occurred during delivery
  • Email the customer a copy of their delivery receipt

Why doesn't DispatchTrack do this?

As a policy, DispatchTrack does not create custom solutions for it's customers. Their job is to maintain the APIs, and our job is to dream about the value-creating solutions we can build with them.

We want to hear from you!

What are some of the most time-consuming, soul-draining manual processes that involve DispatchTrack today? We love understaning our customer's problems, and working together to create novel solutions.

We'll never share your email with anyone else.